The services provided by an international recruitment firm must be complementary in order to be integrated into the recruitment processes of a Human Resources Department.

Within the framework of a talent search, an HR manager uses an international recruitment firm for its advanced expertise in a sector of activity and its technical and operational knowledge of a function.

The HR Directors’ level of requirements with regard to consultants of international recruitment firms is high because they expect them to provide high quality advice in the transmission of applications that will be in line with the specific nature of the assignments to be carried out.
To deliver this quality of advice, an operational and entrepreneurial vision on the positions of an international recruitment firm consultant is essential.

It is important to understand that a too theoretical approach in a recruitment methodology has its limits and that a consultant’s expertise on international recruitment will be reinforced if he himself has had some professional experience abroad.
An HR Director appreciates that a consultant from an international recruitment firm optimizes talent management by monitoring a candidate’s career path over several years, as this will enable him to perfectly explain his professional project and the reasons why he feels that his skills meet the qualitative requirements of a position and its assignments.

An added support of the candidate by a consultant of an international recruitment firm during his integration period and entry into a new position is also part of the added values sought by the HR Directors, particularly for the recruitment of expatriates in emerging countries.
The main processes of an international recruitment firm should therefore not be limited to a static act of evaluation and presentation of candidates, but should allow to act on the main factors that condition the success of his integration within its structure.

The benefits resulting from this approach led by a consultant from an international recruitment firm allow to optimize the communication with all the people involved in an international recruitment (human resources/operational departments) to be immediately reactive in the case of a difficulty observed and to reverse a bad trend.

An international recruitment firm must provide a complementary service to a Human Resources Department, and should be driven by a continuous determination to “go beyond recruitment”.