When it comes to international recruitment, Phénicia Conseil instills in its HR experts the values of openness to difference that characterize a strong professional and human competence.

-1- The values of openness to difference are at the heart of Phénicia Conseil’s recruitment process


There are still too many recruitment professionals who tend to select candidates who are similar to themselves in terms of shared professional values.

And yet, the winning teams will always be those that are able to develop synergies between their members, stimulate the complementarity of their skills and manage their differences.
We are convinced that the reduction of hierarchical structures will foster the spirit of innovation.

Creative candidates will be more and more sought after and the mechanism of innovation feeds on differences: differences in the professional background, training, personality, management and cultural diversity…


These candidates will be exposed to a broad range of different perspectives and cultural, organizational and personal philosophies.
Business leaders, managers and employees will all benefit from an openness to difference as the business world is constantly evolving and the production of new ideas is a key to performance.


-2- The interplay of different perspectives generates an abundance of ideas

Knowledge management is essential; a company’s hard core memory must preserve the key elements that have contributed to its success, yet nothing can stay static.

Real creative leaps happen where two previously unrelated thought axes cross. The production of value is entirely dependent on this link.

Companies will need to hire individuals with diverse, even opposing personalities since standardization and one-size-fits-all thinking hinder innovation and creativity.
Monotony must be overcome by creativity in terms of concepts, offerings, markets, people, and job candidate profiles.

Contrarily, diversity has been a source of value and creativity since the beginning of time.