Phénicia conseil, an international recruitment firm, was interviewed by the economic newspaper Be BOSS on the theme of international recruitment.

-1- Talent management based on a long-term sourcing strategy through candidate accompaniment

Phénicia conseil, an international recruitment firm specialized in the search for talents on the African continent and the Middle East, has put the emphasis on the accompaniment of candidates over several years which allows a thorough study of their professional projects in order to orient them towards positions that meet their professional skills and the expectations of companies on specific functions.

Opening the floodgates… Companies that are successful in attracting candidates today are showing their commitment. They develop their employer brand, take care of the employee experience, adopt a horizontal management style, focus on flexibility, train new recruits and accompany them in their life project without blinking an eye, and make it known… In short, they respond to the new expectations of employees.

-2- An HR vision too often oriented on the short term which does not allow to identify the top talents

More than half (51%) of managers are currently looking to recruit, but 94% are having difficulty finding the right profile, according to the latest business survey by the Confederation of SMEs published in July. The reason? The paradigm shift in the relationship with work. The trend is widespread. A study conducted for Yooz-DFCG-Mazars reveals that 66% of financial decision-makers are concerned about a shortage of talent.

In the digital sector, the CCI Paris Ile-de-France’s employment survey shows that 39% of companies have been looking to recruit over the past year and 79% have encountered difficulties. Percentages that surge in the CHR (café-hotel-restaurant) to 64% and 93% respectively. “The job market has been under strain for a long time, SMEs and start-ups have been suffering from it, but for the past two or three years, large companies have also been confronted with it, especially since the relationship with work is changing, as is the notion of commitment. Certain models of work organization are no longer appropriate,” says Antoine Pennaforte, lecturer in human resources management at the Cnam. The rules of the game are changing.

-3- Professionalize the recruitment process

One of the answers to attracting and retaining future employees is to employ someone trained in the fundamentals of human resource management (HRM). The less professional a recruitment is, the more the company sends out deleterious signals and the less solid candidates will position themselves. HRM requires mastery of recruitment, performance evaluation and skills development,” explains Antoine Pennaforte. Another solution is to call on a specialist.An international recruitment firm knows the profiles, knows what direction a candidate wishes to give to his or her career and can therefore propose offers, but the key to accompanying talent is a long-term job,” notes Thierry Grosso, President of Phénicia conseil, an international recruitment firm specialized in the recruitment of talent on the African continent and the Middle East.

At Axtom (135 employees, 22 partners), a real estate operator specializing in helping companies set up shop, currently experiencing strong growth, Jérémie Benmoussa, spokesperson, explains: “We have structured an HR team, brought a recruitment manager in-house, and expanded our network of recruitment firms to speed up the process, as we are not so much suffering from a shortage of talent as from an increase in the number of negative replies – candidates are in such high demand that we have to move faster in the recruitment process.” To fill certain positions, the resort to temporary employment appears to be a means of identifying candidates. But here again, candidates are less proactive. “We are observing changes in the behavior of candidates who are waiting for offers, which is why we launched the Job Truck operation, enabling us to go towards them in medium-sized towns and suburban areas,” says Florian Cuminal, marketing and communication manager at Samsic Emploi.