An International Head hunter or International Recruiter is a professional who helps to match qualified and skilled individuals with corporate clients. These experts are, usually, highly skilled in placing candidates in positions that are ideal for them based on their knowledge, skill, expertise and interests. Moreover, they ensure that their corporate clients get the best candidates for positions within their organizations.

Importance of Head Hunters/International Recruiters to corporations

There are a number of advantages of utilizing a Head hunter for your company. The primary advantage is huge savings of time and effort. By using a Head hunter, the corporation no longer needs to place advertisements when open positions become available within the company. As a result, they do not need to direct any resources towards sifting through the hundreds of applications that usually follow; most of which are sent by applicants who for one reason or other, are not a good fit for the company. Instead, the Head hunter executes all the tedious work that is involved in finding good candidates for the position and in so doing, performs initial screening on behalf of the company. Head hunters are in the business of establishing and fostering relationships. By consistently matching their corporate clients with top-tier candidates to fill open positions, the recruiter establishes him/ herself as a trustworthy expert entrusted with this responsibility, every time they are sourcing for candidates. On the other hand, the Head hunter also establishes a relationship with the potential candidate. Candidates with qualifications and expertise as requested by the vacancies usually submit their resumes to the Head hunter who then conducts interviews either over the phone, or face to face. This is done in order to get a better feel of the candidate not just professionally, but also with regard to his/ her personality, interests and needs. Hiring the correct worker for each job opening is crucial for the smooth functioning of your company. In these competitive occasions where every second of your time is treasured, you will surely get higher results by hiring a Head hunter to deliver the very best workers to your organization instead of putting in multi-fold efforts to hire inferior workers in your own


Importance of Head Hunters to professional seeking placements ( for Expats and Locals Talents)

Head hunters understand that determining whether or not a candidate is ideal for a certain position is not solely dependent on professional qualifications. A potential candidate may have exceptional qualifications, but their needs may also conflict with the organization’s structure. For instance, the company may require their salespeople to travel extensively; while the candidate, although qualified, may be unable to travel for one reason or other.

By working on behalf of candidates, head hunters have access to information regarding positions and opportunities that the candidate would otherwise miss. This therefore exposes the candidate to more opportunities while simultaneously saving him/ her legwork that would otherwise be necessary. Another benefit of using a Head hunter for candidates is that they are able to recognize the candidate’s true potential and as such, are in a unique position to put in a good word on their behalf, even in instances where the initial interview with the corporation did not go very well. Additionally, finding work through a Head hunter gives the job seeker access to a comprehensive network which in turn widens their net, in addition to giving the candidate guidelines and tips to brush up their resume or skills.


Why working with Phénicia Conseil as preferential partner for your needs in recruitment

Phénicia Conseil provides its expertise in recruitment in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, offering a comprehensive multicultural HR service; Our recruitment process focuses on assessing applications in relation to a particular role. Our methodology provides our clients with an effective solution to map the skills required with an efficient method of identifying and developing them. It is based on real-life professional contexts through role-plays that recreate a post or role to put candidates in a situation that matches their future responsibilities. These role-plays allow us to observe candidates’ behaviour in a work situation and witness business skills in line with those required for the assignment to be carried out.

This methodology can be summarised in the following key words: Assessment, Behaviour, Scope, Talent and Skills, Role-play, Observation, Feedback

The results obtained allow us to highlight seven characteristics with a significant impact on the candidate’s medium and long-term success in their role: Business acumen, Rigour and organisational skills, Meeting commitments, Interpersonal skills, Motivation for work, Consistent effort to achieve goals, Dependability of performance

Thanks to our consultants’ experience and specialist business expertise by sector, Phénicia Conseil understand HR issues and collect the best HR talents by country and required professional skill’s set. The intercultural approach to our recruitment process reflects a broad vision focused on occupations, skills, regions, countries and languages to develop innovation and creativity while valuing the diversity of human resources. We proceed with Values of professionalism and performance to offer the businesses we work with a quality service and recruitment expertise gained by our consultants over years of international experience in various jobs and sectors.