Our recruitment methodology

Recruitment method: the recruitment consultant’s expertise is decisive

A prerequisite for analysis is a clear understanding of the job criteria and tasks.

Too many consultants in recruitment agencies do not have these clearly in mind because they have not spent enough time with their clients to define the key criteria of the position.

A recruitment interview (ref.) is a major management act which implies respecting and following a rigorous intellectual process.

This intellectual process is based on several steps that must be orchestrated around a structured scheme that applies to the adequacy of the candidate’s skills with those required to carry out the mission.

The analysis should be based on substance, not form.

A recruitment interview should focus on finding facts, arguments and evidence.

In order to get to the bottom of each fact, the use of whys and wherefores will help get specific answers from a candidate.

What?: What has been done.

“What were your objectives?”

Why?: The reasons for doing it.

“Why did you choose this strategy?”

How?: The way of doing it.

“What actions did you take to achieve your objectives?”

In fact-finding, priority should be given to the candidate’s experiences and achievements.

The recruitment interview, which is centred on fact-finding, enables the consultant to base his or her analysis on the content of the answers.

The evidence that the consultant will accumulate will enable him/her to validate and then interpret the facts correctly.

By following this approach, little importance can be attached to the “container”, i.e. the appearance, eloquence or elocution of the candidates.

Excellent oral expression during the interview creates a favourable halo. However, a candidate can have excellent oral expression and poor interpersonal skills.

The recruitment interview based on facts, arguments and evidence helps to discern the true from the false, the real from the exaggerated, the specific from the general.

In a methodological interview, it is a question of evaluating skills and potential, but also of validating the claims and actions or results that the candidates attribute to themselves, the professional experiences that they say they have had and the objectives that they claim to have achieved.


Méthode de recrutement